Snapkis 多合一牙刷套裝

  適合年齡 6 - 18 months

Snapkis All-in-One Toothbrush Set is a 3-Stage complete baby gum and teeth dental solution and helps develop good oral habits in babies. The toothbrush set is excellent for teething babies and the 3-step training system follows their dental development.

Stage 1 – Gum Massager (6-8 months)
Start using at the first sign of teething. Designed to soothe itching gums and ease your child to the feel of having a toothbrush in the mouth.

Stage 2 – Massaging Brush (8-12 months)
Great for cleaning and massaging cavities, gums, tooth rim, and baby teeth. The ergonomic easy-grip handle encourages your little one to self-brush.

Stage 3 – First Toothbrush (12-18 months)
Soft bristles for developing teeth, ensuring gentle and comfortable brushing. Help your child develop good oral habits today!

我們的產品號碼: 203051
