• Dotty Bee Baby's First Christmas Bouquet

Dotty Bee Baby's First Christmas Bouquet


Our bestselling baby clothes bouquet has been given a Christmas twist! Celebrate Baby's First Christmas with a white baby clothing, silk flowers and red berries bouquet for an extra special gift. 
There is a gift tag to add your own personal message.The hand-tied bouquet contains 100% cotton items of baby clothing and features all the little luxuries a baby could want. The baby gift is a useful and unique alternative to fresh flowers, it's like two gifts in one! Display the Christmas bouquet and then once Christmas is over you can open the flowers to make use of the baby clothing!

The bouquet contains:
1 x Winding cloth
1 x Hat
1 x Bib
2 x Bodysuits
4 x Pairs of socks
1 x Gift tag

Our product #: 45285

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